Examples of common Accommodations

Here’s a list of 100 common accommodations that are frequently provided to students with disabilities to support their learning and participation in the classroom:

  1. Extended time on tests and assignments
  2. Preferential seating (e.g., near the teacher, away from distractions)
  3. Use of a quiet workspace or study area
  4. Modified assignments or assessments
  5. Use of a calculator or math manipulatives
  6. Visual aids (e.g., charts, diagrams, graphic organizers)
  7. Auditory aids (e.g., recorded lectures, audiobooks)
  8. Use of assistive technology devices (e.g., speech-to-text software)
  9. Text-to-speech or speech-to-text software
  10. Alternative formats for materials (e.g., digital, large print)
  11. Chunking assignments into smaller tasks
  12. Breaks during testing or classroom activities
  13. Frequent check-ins with the teacher for clarification
  14. Simplified language or instructions
  15. Pre-teaching of vocabulary or concepts
  16. Additional time for transitions between activities
  17. Use of a timer or visual schedule
  18. Peer tutoring or buddy system for support
  19. Use of a fidget tool or sensory object
  20. Written or visual cues for behavior expectations
  21. Extra set of textbooks for home use
  22. Use of a word processor for writing assignments
  23. Access to notes or outlines provided by the teacher
  24. Highlighting key information in texts or worksheets
  25. Permission to use reference materials during tests
  26. Reduced homework assignments or workload
  27. Flexible deadlines for assignments
  28. Use of a study guide or checklist for assignments
  29. Preferential seating during group activities
  30. Copy of class notes provided by the teacher
  31. Modified grading criteria or rubrics
  32. Additional practice opportunities or review sessions
  33. Use of a graphic organizer for planning writing assignments
  34. Simplified reading materials or leveled readers
  35. Use of manipulatives for hands-on learning
  36. Modified spelling or grammar requirements
  37. Additional support from a paraprofessional or aide
  38. Extra set of classroom materials (e.g., rulers, calculators)
  39. Oral administration of tests or quizzes
  40. Use of a scribe for writing assignments
  41. Flexible seating options (e.g., standing desk, stability ball)
  42. Verbal cues or reminders during classroom activities
  43. Use of a behavior chart or token system
  44. Structured peer interactions or social skills groups
  45. Access to a quiet space for breaks or relaxation
  46. Modified physical education activities or equipment
  47. Access to online resources or digital learning platforms
  48. Use of a weighted blanket or lap pad
  49. Shortened assignments or tasks
  50. Use of a planner or organizer for time management
  51. Access to a calculator or formula sheet for math tests
  52. Modified spelling tests or alternative assessments
  53. Use of a peer mentor for academic or social support
  54. Extended time for completing classwork
  55. Use of a standing desk or alternative seating option
  56. Access to a study buddy or study group
  57. Alternative presentation formats (e.g., oral presentation instead of written)
  58. Use of a highlighter or colored overlays for reading
  59. Access to a behavior support plan or behavior contract
  60. Use of a reward system or incentive program
  61. Flexible attendance policies or make-up work options
  62. Use of a noise-canceling headset or earplugs
  63. Use of a reward system or token economy
  64. Modified physical education requirements or activities
  65. Use of a behavior chart or behavior log
  66. Access to a peer tutor or study group
  67. Use of a sensory break area or sensory tools
  68. Modified recess or playground activities
  69. Use of a visual timer or countdown clock
  70. Access to preferential parking or transportation options
  71. Use of a peer buddy system for social support
  72. Modified cafeteria procedures or seating arrangements
  73. Access to a cool-down space or relaxation corner
  74. Use of a sensory diet or sensory integration activities
  75. Modified art supplies or materials
  76. Use of a calming strategy or mindfulness practice
  77. Access to a peer mentor or role model
  78. Modified group work or cooperative learning activities
  79. Use of a behavior support plan or behavior contract
  80. Access to a quiet space or break area
  81. Use of a visual schedule or task list
  82. Modified assembly or large group activities
  83. Access to a buddy or peer support system
  84. Use of a self-monitoring checklist or rubric
  85. Modified fire drill or emergency procedures
  86. Access to a comfort item or transitional object
  87. Use of a sensory-friendly classroom environment
  88. Modified science experiments or labs
  89. Access to a sensory break or movement break
  90. Use of a visual timer or countdown app
  91. Modified music or performing arts activities
  92. Access to a peer buddy or buddy system
  93. Use of a weighted vest or lap pad
  94. Modified school lunch or cafeteria options
  95. Access to a sensory break or sensory room
  96. Use of a relaxation technique or stress ball
  97. Modified technology requirements or assignments
  98. Access to a buddy bench or safe space
  99. Use of a social story or social script
  100. Modified field trip or off-campus activities.

These accommodations are just examples and may vary depending on the individual needs of the student and the recommendations of the IEP or 504 team. It’s essential for parents to work collaboratively with educators and professionals to determine the most appropriate accommodations for their child’s unique needs.