How to Determine Accommodations

How to Determine What Your Student Needs:

  1. Review Evaluation Data: Start by reviewing the evaluation data and assessment results from the student’s educational evaluation. This information can help identify the student’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas of need, which can inform the selection of appropriate accommodations.
  2. Consider Functional Limitations: Consider the student’s functional limitations and how they impact their ability to access the curriculum and participate in educational activities. Identify specific challenges the student faces in the classroom environment and areas where they may require additional support.
  3. Consult with Educators: Collaborate with your child’s teachers, special education professionals, and other members of the educational team to discuss the student’s needs and determine appropriate accommodations. Educators can provide valuable insights into the student’s learning style, preferences, and areas where accommodations may be beneficial.
  4. Refer to IEP or 504 Plan: Review your child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan to identify accommodations that have been recommended or implemented in the past. These accommodations may include supports and modifications that have been effective for your child in the past and can serve as a starting point for identifying additional accommodations.
  5. Consider Universal Design: Explore accommodations that promote universal design principles and benefit all students, not just those with disabilities. Universal design accommodations are proactive and inclusive, making the learning environment more accessible and supportive for all students.
  6. Monitor Progress: Regularly monitor your child’s progress and the effectiveness of accommodations in supporting their learning and participation. Be open to making adjustments to accommodations as needed based on your child’s evolving needs and progress.
  7. Advocate for Your Child: Advocate for your child’s needs and ensure that they receive the accommodations and supports necessary to succeed in school. Communicate openly with educators, participate actively in the IEP or 504 planning process, and collaborate with the school to implement appropriate accommodations.

By following these steps and working collaboratively with your child’s educational team, you can determine what accommodations are needed to support your student’s learning, participation, and success in school. Accommodations play a critical role in ensuring that students with disabilities receive the individualized support they need to reach their full potential and thrive in the educational setting.