Identifying Good Goals

  1. Specific and Measurable: Well-written goals clearly define what the student is expected to achieve and include measurable criteria for determining success. Goals should specify the desired behavior, skill, or outcome in observable and quantifiable terms.
  2. Achievable and Realistic: Goals should be achievable and realistic given the student’s current abilities, developmental level, and learning needs. They should stretch the student’s abilities without being overly ambitious or unattainable.
  3. Relevant and Meaningful: Goals should be relevant to the student’s educational program, individualized needs, and long-term aspirations. They should address areas of need that are directly related to the student’s educational success and overall well-being.
  4. Time-Bound: Goals should include a timeframe or deadline for achievement, specifying when progress will be measured and evaluated. Time-bound goals provide a sense of urgency and accountability for achieving the desired outcomes.
  5. Aligned with IEP Objectives: Goals should align with the objectives and strategies outlined in the student’s IEP. They should reflect the broader goals and priorities of the student’s educational program and support the student’s progress toward achieving their full potential.
  6. Clear Action Steps: Goals should outline clear action steps, interventions, and supports necessary to help the student achieve their goals. They should specify who will be responsible for implementing the interventions and how progress will be monitored and evaluated.
  7. Family and Student Involvement: Well-written goals reflect input from parents, guardians, and the student (if appropriate). They take into account the student’s preferences, interests, strengths, and aspirations, ensuring that the goals are meaningful and relevant to the student’s individual needs and circumstances.
  8. Flexible and Responsive to Change: Goals should be flexible and responsive to the student’s changing needs, progress, and circumstances. They should be reviewed and revised as needed based on ongoing assessment data, progress monitoring, and feedback from the student, parents, and educators.

By following these guidelines and principles, parents can identify well-written goals that are tailored to their child’s individual needs, strengths, and aspirations. Well-written goals provide a roadmap for supporting the student’s progress and ensuring that they receive the individualized support and services they need to succeed in school and beyond.