Prior Written Notice (PWN) is a procedural safeguard mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that ensures parents are informed and have the opportunity to participate in decisions regarding their child’s special education services. PWN provides parents with written notification of any proposed changes to the identification, evaluation, placement, or provision of special education services to their child. Here’s a detailed explanation of Prior Written Notice:

1. Purpose:

  1. Informed Decision-Making: PWN ensures that parents are fully informed about any proposed changes to their child’s special education program or services. It enables parents to participate meaningfully in the decision-making process and advocate for their child’s educational needs.
  2. Protection of Parental Rights: PWN serves as a safeguard to protect the rights of parents and students with disabilities under IDEA. It ensures transparency and accountability in the special education process and helps prevent misunderstandings or disputes between parents and school districts.

2. When PWN is Required:

  1. Initial Evaluation: PWN is required when a school district proposes to conduct an initial evaluation to determine whether a child is eligible for special education services.
  2. Reevaluation: PWN is required when a school district proposes to conduct a reevaluation of a student who is already receiving special education services to determine continued eligibility or the need for changes to the student’s educational program.
  3. Identification of Disability: PWN is required when a school district proposes to identify a student as having a disability and in need of special education services for the first time.
  4. Change in Placement: PWN is required when a school district proposes to change the student’s educational placement, including placement in a different educational setting or program.
  5. Change in Services: PWN is required when a school district proposes to make changes to the student’s special education services, including modifications, accommodations, or related services.

3. Content of PWN:

  1. Description of Action: PWN must include a clear description of the proposed action or decision regarding the student’s special education program or services.
  2. Explanation of Basis: PWN must provide an explanation of the basis for the proposed action, including any evaluations, assessments, or data used to support the decision.
  3. Explanation of Parental Rights: PWN must inform parents of their rights under IDEA, including the right to request additional evaluations, participate in IEP meetings, and seek mediation or due process if they disagree with the proposed action.
  4. Options and Alternatives: PWN must include information about any options or alternatives available to parents, including the right to provide input, request changes, or disagree with the proposed action.

4. Provision of PWN:

  1. Timely Notification: PWN must be provided to parents in a timely manner before the proposed action is implemented, typically at least 10 days before the proposed action takes effect.
  2. Written Format: PWN must be provided to parents in writing, either through mail, email, or hand delivery, to ensure that parents have a clear record of the proposed action and their rights under IDEA.
  3. Language Accessibility: PWN must be provided in a language that parents can understand, including translations or interpretation services for parents with limited English proficiency or other communication needs.
  4. Opportunity for Response: Parents have the opportunity to respond to PWN, provide input, request changes, or express disagreement with the proposed action. The school district must consider parental input and provide a response to any concerns raised by parents.

In summary, Prior Written Notice (PWN) is a procedural safeguard that ensures parents are informed and have the opportunity to participate in decisions regarding their child’s special education program or services. It is required in specific situations outlined by IDEA, and it must include certain content and be provided to parents in a timely and accessible manner. PWN plays a critical role in protecting parental rights, promoting transparency, and facilitating collaborative decision-making between parents and school districts in the special education process.