
When reviewing a Full and Individual Evaluation (FIE) as a parent, it’s essential to thoroughly examine the document to ensure that it accurately reflects your child’s strengths, weaknesses, and needs. Here are some key aspects to consider when reviewing an FIE:

  1. Comprehensiveness: Ensure that the evaluation covers all relevant areas of your child’s development, including academic, cognitive, social-emotional, and behavioral domains. The FIE should include a variety of assessments and data collection methods to provide a comprehensive understanding of your child’s abilities and challenges.
  2. Clarity of Findings: Look for clear and concise descriptions of your child’s present levels of performance in various areas. The report should clearly outline your child’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as any areas of concern identified through assessment data.
  3. Diagnostic Information: If your child has received a diagnosis as a result of the evaluation, such as a learning disability or developmental disorder, ensure that the report provides detailed information about the diagnosis, including diagnostic criteria, assessment results supporting the diagnosis, and recommendations for intervention.
  4. Educational Implications: Pay attention to the section of the report that discusses the educational implications of your child’s assessment results. This section should explain how your child’s strengths and weaknesses may impact their ability to access the general education curriculum and participate in school activities.
  5. Recommendations for Intervention: Review the recommendations provided in the FIE report for educational interventions, accommodations, and supports to address your child’s needs. These recommendations should be tailored to your child’s individual strengths and weaknesses and should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  6. Goal Setting: If your child is found eligible for special education services and an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed, ensure that the goals and objectives outlined in the IEP are based on the assessment results and address your child’s unique needs. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) to facilitate progress monitoring and accountability.
  7. Parental Input: Check to see if the FIE report includes documentation of any input provided by you as a parent during the evaluation process. Your insights into your child’s strengths, weaknesses, and needs are valuable and should be considered by the evaluation team.
  8. Compliance with Timelines: Verify that the evaluation was conducted within the designated timeline as required by state and federal regulations. Ensure that any delays or extensions are documented and justified in the report.
  9. Language and Accessibility: Ensure that the language used in the FIE report is clear, jargon-free, and understandable to parents. The report should be written in a way that facilitates meaningful communication and collaboration among all stakeholders involved in your child’s education.
  10. Follow-Up Actions: After reviewing the FIE report, follow up with school personnel to discuss any questions or concerns you may have and to ensure that appropriate next steps are taken to address your child’s needs. Collaborate with the school to develop and implement an educational plan that meets your child’s individual needs and supports their academic and developmental progress.

By carefully reviewing the FIE report and advocating for your child’s educational needs, you can ensure that your child receives the support and services they need to succeed in school. If you have any questions or concerns about the content of the report, don’t hesitate to reach out to school personnel for clarification and guidance.