
The Schedule of Services section of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) outlines the specific educational services, accommodations, modifications, and supports that will be provided to a student with disabilities to address their unique needs and help them make progress toward their educational goals. This section serves as a roadmap for implementing the student’s IEP and ensuring that they receive the appropriate services and supports to support their learning and participation in the educational setting. Here’s an explanation of the Schedule of Services section of the IEP:

1. Description of Services:

  1. Educational Services: The Schedule of Services typically begins with a description of the educational services that will be provided to the student. This may include specialized instruction in academic subjects, functional skills training, behavioral interventions, social skills instruction, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, counseling, and other related services.
  2. Frequency and Duration: The Schedule of Services specifies the frequency and duration of each service or support, indicating how often and for how long the student will receive each service. This may include the number of sessions per week, the length of each session, and the total duration of services over the course of the school year.

2. Related Services:

  1. Related Services: The IEP team identifies any related services that are necessary to support the student’s access to the general education curriculum and participation in educational activities. Related services may include speech-language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, counseling, assistive technology, transportation, and other services as determined by the student’s individual needs.
  2. Service Providers: The Schedule of Services specifies the providers responsible for delivering each related service, including certified special education teachers, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, counselors, and other qualified professionals.

3. Accommodations and Modifications:

  1. Accommodations: The Schedule of Services includes a list of accommodations that will be provided to the student to support their learning and participation in the educational setting. Accommodations may include changes to the instructional environment, materials, or procedures to address the student’s individual needs and promote access to the curriculum.
  2. Modifications: In addition to accommodations, the Schedule of Services may also include modifications to the curriculum, assignments, assessments, or other educational activities to better match the student’s abilities and needs. Modifications may involve changes to the content, complexity, or expectations of instruction to support the student’s learning and progress.

4. Specialized Instruction and Supports:

  1. Specialized Instruction: The Schedule of Services outlines the specialized instruction that will be provided to the student to address their individualized educational goals and objectives. This may include targeted instruction in specific academic areas, functional skills training, behavior interventions, social skills instruction, and other specialized supports as determined by the student’s IEP team.
  2. Supports and Strategies: The Schedule of Services may also include a list of supports, strategies, and interventions that will be implemented to help the student access the curriculum and succeed in the educational setting. This may include visual aids, assistive technology devices, peer support, behavioral supports, and other strategies tailored to the student’s needs.

5. Progress Monitoring and Review:

  1. Progress Monitoring: The Schedule of Services includes provisions for monitoring the student’s progress toward their educational goals and objectives. This may involve ongoing assessment, data collection, progress monitoring, and periodic review of the student’s performance to ensure that the services and supports provided are effective in addressing the student’s needs and promoting progress.
  2. Review and Revision: The Schedule of Services is reviewed and revised annually as part of the student’s IEP review process. The IEP team considers the student’s progress, strengths, challenges, and parent input when reviewing and updating the Schedule of Services to ensure that it continues to meet the student’s evolving needs and promote their educational success.

Overall, the Schedule of Services section of the IEP provides a detailed outline of the educational services, accommodations, modifications, and supports that will be provided to a student with disabilities to address their individualized needs and support their learning and participation in the educational setting. It serves as a critical component of the student’s IEP, guiding the implementation of the IEP and ensuring that the student receives the appropriate services and supports to help them achieve their educational goals.