Who should come?

An Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) meeting in Texas is a crucial part of the special education process, and it involves the participation of various individuals who collectively form the ARD committee. Here’s an explanation of who is required to be at an ARD meeting and who else might attend:

Required Participants:

  1. Parent(s) or Guardian(s): Parents or legal guardians of the student are essential participants in the ARD meeting. They are considered key members of the ARD committee and have the right to participate in all aspects of the meeting, provide input on their child’s educational needs and preferences, and collaborate with the school to develop an appropriate educational plan for their child.
  2. General Education Teacher(s): At least one general education teacher who is familiar with the student’s academic performance and educational needs must attend the ARD meeting. The general education teacher provides valuable insights into the student’s progress in the general education curriculum and contributes to discussions about appropriate educational goals and supports.
  3. Special Education Teacher(s): Special education teachers who provide instruction and support to the student must also attend the ARD meeting. These teachers have expertise in working with students with disabilities and play a critical role in developing and implementing the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).
  4. School Administrator or Designee: A school administrator or designated school representative with decision-making authority regarding special education services must be present at the ARD meeting. This individual ensures that the school district’s policies and procedures are followed and that decisions made during the meeting are implemented effectively.
  5. Special Education Evaluator: If the student underwent a Full and Individual Evaluation (FIE) or other assessments as part of the eligibility determination process, the evaluator who conducted the assessments or a representative from the evaluation team is required to attend the ARD meeting. The evaluator provides information about the student’s assessment results and helps interpret the data to inform decision-making.
  6. Additional Required Participants: Depending on the specific needs of the student and the purpose of the ARD meeting, additional required participants may include related services providers (such as speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, or counselors), representatives from outside agencies or service providers involved in the student’s care, and transition personnel for students transitioning out of high school.

Additional Participants:

In addition to the required participants, the ARD meeting may also include other individuals who can provide valuable insights or expertise related to the student’s educational needs. These additional participants might include:

  • Student (if appropriate): Depending on the student’s age and level of understanding, they may be invited to participate in the ARD meeting to provide input on their educational goals and preferences.
  • Interpreter or Translator: If the student or parent(s) require language assistance, an interpreter or translator may be present to facilitate communication during the meeting.
  • Advocates or Support Persons: Parents or students may choose to bring advocates, attorneys, or support persons to the ARD meeting to provide guidance, support, or representation.
  • Others as Deemed Necessary: The ARD committee has the discretion to invite additional individuals to the meeting based on the student’s individual needs, preferences, and circumstances. This may include specialists, therapists, consultants, or other professionals with relevant expertise.

Overall, the composition of the ARD committee may vary depending on the specific needs of the student and the purpose of the meeting. The participation of diverse stakeholders ensures that the student’s educational plan is comprehensive, individualized, and responsive to their unique needs and preferences.